The Rancher's Nanny Bargain Page 11
His strong arms pulled her flush against him and he took her mouth hard, his tongue going deep.
So inflamed with desire, she could only hold him tightly and kiss him back. She had crossed an invisible line and at the moment she didn’t care. She didn’t want to go back. Saying goodbye to caution and logic, she thrust her hips against him, finding him hard, aroused, ready to love her.
“Cade,” she whispered before his mouth covered hers again and his tongue stroked hers as he held her tightly, his arm a steel band around her waist while his other hand trailed lightly over her curves, moving over her back and down over her bottom, stirring her desire. Her heart pounded and she kissed him eagerly.
He caressed her so lightly in scalding strokes that made her want more. Now that she had let go, she wanted no barriers between them. She wanted to run her hands over his naked skin, wanted to touch and kiss him everywhere. He must have felt the same, because before she knew it, his fingers were at her buttons and then he pushed the top of her dress off her shoulders and it fell around her waist.
She gasped with pleasure as he cupped her naked breasts in his large hands, caressing her, sending streaks of fire to the part of her that ached for him.
As he kissed her, she pulled his shirt free. Her fingers trembled, and he stilled them, yanking his knit shirt over his head in one smooth motion and tossing it aside. He leaned forward to kiss her again, needing her lips on his.
Wanting to explore his marvelous body, she ran her hands over his chest, feeling the curly chest hair beneath her fingers. Her fingers traced solid muscles, lean sinew, then the smooth skin of his upper arms. Finally she wrenched her mouth from his and let it follow the path her fingers had taken. She dragged her lips across his throat and chest.
Groaning, he gripped her head in his hands and pulled her back for another dizzying kiss. She was so overwhelmed with desire that she could only cling to him, close her eyes and be swept along. Until Cade, she hadn’t been kissed in so long. If she could ever call what she’d experienced before a kiss. Not after this man.
Running her hands across his strong shoulders, she moaned with pleasure as he caressed her, his callused hands moving lightly to heighten desire. He swung her into his arms, never breaking contact, and carried her to the sofa where he sat with her on his lap as he continued to run his hand over her and caress her. When she raised her head and looked into his blue eyes, there was no mistaking that he wanted her.
He slipped his hands beneath the full cotton skirt of her sundress. His hands were warm as they trailed up her thighs in light, tingling caresses that made her open her legs and sit astride him.
He cupped her breasts again, his tanned hands dark against her pale, soft skin while he leisurely kissed first one breast and then the other, causing streaks of pleasure that rocked her. Closing her eyes, she clung to his muscled arms.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, “so beautiful.” He kissed her mouth and then leaned down to run his tongue around her nipple.
She knew in a few more minutes they would never want to stop. A few more minutes, a few more kisses and tender touches, and she’d surrender to total seduction. Could she? She slipped off his lap, turning away and gasping for breath.
“Cade, I’m not ready for this,” she whispered.
He didn’t answer and she wondered whether or not he heard her. His hands folded lightly on her shoulders as he kissed her ear and then lifted her hair away to brush kisses on her nape.
She twisted to face him and he held her lightly with his hands on her waist. “We’ll stop. I don’t want to push you where you don’t want to go,” he whispered as he continued showering light kisses on her throat, her ear. All the time he kissed her, his hand caressed her breast, first one and then the other.
She wanted him with all her being, and trembled, debating if she could cope with the consequences if they made love tonight. “I want you,” she whispered, “but I don’t want more hurt.”
“I understand,” he said, between kisses. He turned her to face him and bent down to lave her breast, his tongue drawing lazy circles around the tip while his hand pulled up her skirt and nestled between her thighs.
“I don’t want to hurt you in any way,” he whispered. “Stop when you want. You’re beautiful, darlin’. I want to kiss you and touch you all night long, but only, only if you want me to.”
She thought about her life. She had been alone since her breakup over a year ago. Until Cade, it had been over a year since she had been kissed or held and loved or had any emotional ties to a man. Not that she would have any deep, long-lasting ties with this committed bachelor. But she wanted him nonetheless. Wanted the passion that he inspired, the pleasure that only he could give her.
There was no denying that he was desirable. That he stirred her more than any other man ever had, including the one she had been engaged to marry. Could she deny herself one night with him?
She framed Cade’s face with her hands and gazed into his blue eyes that held blatant desire. “I want you,” she whispered.
He held her tighter and she swore she saw flames ignite in his eyes.
“I want to make love, Cade, but I don’t have any protection.”
“I have protection.” He cupped her face in his strong hands. “I want to make love to you all night long if that’s what you want,” he said, slipping his arm around her waist to draw her against him as he leaned down to kiss her, another intense, passionate kiss that made her feel as if he loved her more than anyone or anything on the earth. “Erin, I don’t want to hurt you.”
She nodded. “I know you don’t. I also know we don’t want the same things.” She responded to Cade as she had never responded to any other man, and right now nothing could stop her from making love with him. But she knew theirs could only be a brief affair before she said goodbye and she’d have to forget him. Was she rushing into another situation where she would be heartbroken?
For this night, this moment, she didn’t care. She wanted to make love, to yield to seduction, to grasp joy and life and loving here where it was incredible with him. The moment could be lost and never come again and she chose consequences over regrets.
“Cade, make love to me,” she whispered.
It was all the invitation he needed.
He showered kisses on her while his hands drifted up her thighs, caressing her between her legs, stroking her so lightly that she opened to give him access.
He picked her up to carry her to his bedroom, knelt to place her on the mattress. He slipped her sundress over her legs, and then, starting at her ankle, he trailed kisses lightly over every inch of her skin. His breath was warm, his tongue wet, exciting, sensual on her as he moved slowly up, till he met the flimsy fabric of her panties. He slid them down, torturously slow, stopping to caress her here and there, then tossed them aside. He knelt before her and placed her legs over his broad shoulders so he could stroke and love her with his lips and tongue. He took his time, until she was writhing beneath him, her hands fluttering over him.
She cried out, writhing, wanting to kiss him in turn the way he did her. His tongue stroked her relentlessly, making her cry out with need, nearly taking her to the point of no return.
But she didn’t want to come like this. Not before she had her taste of him.
With a gasp, she pushed him back. “Let me kiss you the way you kiss me,” she said. She slid down his body, her naked breasts rubbing against him, her tongue trailing over his flat, male nipples, until she caressed his manhood.
Then she knelt over him to torment him the way he had her. Her mouth took him in and he groaned. She ran her tongue over him, loving him, and loving each sigh and moan that he emitted. When she felt his body tighten beneath her, he stopped her. Taking her into his arms, he rolled her over, so he was above her. His hands combed into her hair and he gazed down at her, looki
ng into her eyes with a need that made her shake. No man had ever looked at her as if he wanted to devour her and could never get enough of her.
“Cade,” she gasped, trying to draw him down to her, to pull him closer so she could hold him against her heart. His dark blue eyes held a need that made her tremble and feel she was the only woman on earth for him.
“Ahh, darlin’, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, a hoarse remark she could barely hear between kisses. “We’ll take our time. I want to love you for hours.” He ran his hands through her hair.
She couldn’t get enough of this man. As if a dam had burst inside, she poured out every drop of passion and the physical expression of her feelings, knowing that Cade was special and this night was unique and then she would have to let it all go. For tonight, he was here in her arms and she could kiss and touch him and try to give him the pleasure he was giving her.
“Kiss me,” she whispered.
And he did. A kiss that was hard and passionate. A kiss that told her she had made another monumental mistake with him. Because making love with Cade could never just be once. For her, it was more than a brief fling. He made her feel as if he had offered his body and his heart. She knew better, but that was what she felt and she was in deeper than she dreamed she would be. There was no undoing or turning back now.
She watched him as he opened a drawer in a bedside chest and withdrew a condom. Relishing every moment with him, she watched him put it on and move between her legs. He looked virile, ready to love and incredibly sexy.
She started to sit up, to throw her arms around his neck. Instead, he pushed her to the bed and came down to kiss her, another hot, passionate kiss that made her want him more than ever. “Cade,” she whispered. “I want you. Now.”
When he lowered his weight, slowly filling her, she gasped with pleasure.
“Put your legs around me,” he murmured, and she did as he asked, running her hands down his muscled back and over his hard bottom, tugging him closer to her.
He filled her, hot and hard, moving deliberately as she arched beneath him. She started to cry out, but his mouth covered hers and her cry was muffled. He partially withdrew, driving her need higher, only to thrust into her again and carry her to new heights. Over and over. She held him tightly, giving herself completely to him, giving him complete access to her as she clasped her ankles around his waist. Need pounded in her, until with one final, deep thrust she climaxed. And he followed her. They rocked together as ecstasy overwhelmed her.
But Cade was not done. Minutes later he moved inside her again, slowly at first, then faster, harder, deeper. She thought she was spent, but of their own volition her hips rose to meet his and she was struck with a second shuddering release. Only then did his control finally shatter.
Clinging to him she kept with him, her head thrashing while she held him tightly with her long legs locked around his narrow waist.
“Cade,” she whispered. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and then she ran her hand down his back and over his bottom. Crying out, she was enveloped in rapture.
He shuddered with his release and they pumped together until spent. Euphoria became an invisible cloud wrapping them in a momentary closeness that made them one.
“So wonderful,” he whispered, kissing her temple lightly, and she turned her head to kiss him, a long, slow kiss that was satisfaction and union.
Gasping for breath, she hugged him as he held her with his arms wrapped around her and their legs entwined. Gradually their breathing returned to normal. He rolled over, taking her with him and holding her close while he combed her hair gently from her face. “Ahh, darlin’, so good, so good,” he whispered.
“For a moment I want to hold you. You’re strong and solid and sure, all good things that are missing in my life right now.”
“No, they’re not,” he said quietly. “Erin, you’re strong and you’ve been through a lot and you got through it and are moving on. That’s strong. You’re solid because you know what you want and you’re pursuing it and you’ve picked up the pieces. You’re sure because you have confidence in yourself and in your future. They’re not missing at all.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “But I’m more than happy for you to hold me for the rest of the night if you want. You are a fantastic woman and I’m glad I know you.”
“I’m glad, too,” she said.
The moment had become more serious and brought reality back. She ran her hands over his shoulder and chest, drawing her fingers lightly through the smattering of chest hair, refusing to think about consequences, choices or even tomorrow morning or the decision she had made tonight.
She was in Cade’s arms after the most fantastic sex possible. Lovemaking that had been wild and passionate and fulfilling. She still floated in a euphoria that shut away all the problems in her life. Before she knew it, the bubble would burst and real life would come crashing down to envelope her soon enough, but for a bit more time she was in Cade’s arms, still tingling from his caresses and hot, passionate loving.
As she snuggled against him, he brushed another light kiss on her forehead. “This is good, just to hold you close,” he said. Beneath her fingers on his chest, she could feel the faint vibrations when he talked.
“I don’t want to move.”
“I don’t want you to move. And I don’t want to move, either. This is the perfect place to be.” After a few minutes, he shifted on his side, holding her close while she faced him. She combed unruly waves of thick black hair from his forehead. “I’ll bet you were a cute little boy.” She had no idea where that thought came from. The body before her was all man.
“I was adorable,” he said, his blue eyes twinkling.
She laughed. “And probably spoiled rotten as the oldest child.”
“Me? Spoiled? Never,” he drawled, and they smiled at each other. He trailed light kisses on her temple and rubbed her back lightly as he held her. They were quiet and she felt enveloped in bliss.
“For a while, you made all the problems go away,” she whispered. “I know they’ll come back because they’re real and part of my life, but for the past hour they ceased to exist.”
“That’s what’s meant to be. Sex is magic. It’s the icing on life’s cake,” he said quietly between light kisses.
“So I’m dessert,” she remarked drily.
“Definitely,” he said, kissing away her laugh. He leaned back after a moment and with his fingers, moved strands of her long hair away from her face. She was still on her side in his arms and she gazed up at him as she ran her hands lightly over his chest and along his muscled arm.
“Cade, this is an intimate moment, a brief time I feel closer to you than I ever have. I’m not pushing for myself because I know I’m going out of your life soon, but I—I wish you’d rethink your views on marriage. You’re going to be a wonderful dad for Amelia. You’re not like your father.”
“Thank heaven for that one,” he remarked. “I’m glad for your great faith in me. I’m not as scared to be with her, but right now, I think it’s because I know you’re here to save me.”
She gazed up at him, at the faint shadow of stubble on his jaw. The point was not lost on her that he didn’t address her comment. She decided not to push. Not right now.
They became quiet. Wrapped in his arms she refused to think further about the future, or the past. For the next few hours, only tonight existed and she intended to enjoy every moment of it.
“Cade, I didn’t know sex could be so good,” she whispered.
He smiled. “I’m glad you said that because that’s what I was thinking,” he said.
She smiled at him, but didn’t believe he had been thinking any such thing.
He tightened his arm around her to draw her close and brush light kisses on her forehead. “Ahh, darlin’. This is so good. Stay right here in my arms and let me hold
you all night,” he said.
She nodded, agreeable to do exactly that. She made her choice tonight and it was done. She stopped thinking and let him pull her close against him.
“So very sexy,” he whispered.
She held him tightly as if she had caught happiness for a moment and could hang on to it. But she knew better than to think her happiness was tied up in Cade.
“Will you go out with me next Friday night? We could prevail on Maisie to watch Amelia.”
“Shh. Let’s not talk about next week or tomorrow or anything beyond the next few hours. And no, we’re not going out together.”
“Okay, only now and the next few hours. Come closer. You’re way too far away,” he said, nuzzling her and she giggled.
“I don’t think you could get a sheet of paper between us. I’m as close as I can get.”
“Are you really? Let me see,” he teased, running his hands lightly between them, his fingers drifting over her, squeezing lightly.
“Mmm, ever so, but a repeat performance might be in the wings,” he said. “How about we get in my hot tub and soak and talk and see what happens?”
“You know exactly what will happen and I can’t wait,” she drawled, and he grinned as he stood and picked her up. Holding her in his arms he kissed her. “I could get used to this really fast,” he said.
“Well, don’t get too used to it. This is tonight only. I told you, let’s just think of now and a few hours from now.”
“Of course,” he said, carrying her into his bathroom and taking the iPad so they could monitor the nursery.
In minutes they were seated in a hot tub of water as they talked about general topics, the ranch, subjects that were harmless and didn’t involve families and the future.
She leaned back against Cade, feeling his muscles flex when he moved. He was warm, hard, wet, all sensations that were sexy and made her think of making love again.
It was almost an hour before he stepped out of the tub and handed her a thick towel. He began to gently dry her and in minutes she was in his arms while they kissed and he carried her back to his big bed.