Expecting the Rancher's Child (Callahan's Clan) Read online

Page 7

  Her heart drummed. She wanted his kiss, even after spending the past hour learning that he was a man bent on revenge.

  She shouldn’t kiss him. She shouldn’t even stay the rest of the week on his ranch. She could work from her office in Kansas City. She was set up here with all kinds of electronic equipment and could work all week undisturbed, but here she would see Blake. With the attraction that burned between them, she should be packing her bags now.

  If only she could remember how opposite they were and not be dazzled by hot kisses, flirting and sexy smiles.

  If only she didn’t respond to his slightest touch, to just being near him. A week and then they’d part—surely for one week she could keep her heart and head intact.

  As she looked up into midnight eyes, she knew she was making promises to herself she couldn’t keep.

  She lowered her gaze to his mouth and then looked back up to his brown eyes.

  “Sierra,” he said quietly, sliding his arms lightly around her waist and leaning down to kiss her.

  Standing on tiptoe, she kissed him in return, shutting off all thoughts of packing and leaving. She just let go and enjoyed his kiss.

  Soon enough they would say goodbye permanently, and a few kisses tonight wouldn’t matter at all.

  His arms tightened as he leaned over her and his kiss deepened, becoming more passionate. He ran one hand through her hair, down her back and then over her bottom, under the hem of her skirt and along her thigh.

  His warm hand, barely stroking her, drifted up along her leg and then moved between her thighs. Gasping, she clung to him while she thrust her hips against him. He was aroused, hard and ready.

  “Blake, slow down. We’re going too fast for me.”

  “We have something here, and we both like it,” he replied gruffly.

  “Kisses aren’t enough,” she whispered, clearing her throat. “Goodnight, Blake.” She stood on tiptoe to brush a kiss on his cheek.

  “Sure you don’t want to come to my suite, have another drink?”

  She laughed. “I’m sure, but good try. Such a subtle approach,” she added, shaking her head.

  He grinned. “I keep waiting and hoping you’ll ask me into your suite. I’m good company at night.”

  She laughed. “I’m sure you’re fabulous company, and I know you have the best kisses this side of the Atlantic Ocean, but I have to say good-night.” Smiling, she brushed his cheek with another kiss and went up to her room.

  Picking up her phone, she saw two messages from Bert. He had worked late, which wasn’t unusual. Far more than any of her family, Bert worried about her constantly, and she had answered half a dozen text messages since she’d landed on Sunday. Sending him another reassuring text, she placed her phone on a bedside table and hoped she didn’t hear anything more from him until tomorrow.

  Long after she went to bed, she lay in the dark, thinking about all Blake had told her about his dad. There was a tough, hard side to Blake. She could see why. She didn’t think he had chosen the right way to deal with his father, but she could understand his anger.

  She sighed because she was certain Blake would have no part in calling his father or doing any such grown-up thing. He was bent on revenge, and she couldn’t sway him. She had no intention of sticking around to try, either. Blake was not the man for her, so with their wild chemistry, she was running risks every time she was with him.

  Finish this job for him, go home and never look back. That’s what she needed to do. She didn’t want a broken heart, didn’t want to fall in love with a man who would spend his life on revenge, a cynical man who was set on getting even with his father instead of trying to seek reconciliation.

  Tossing and turning through the night, she tried to get Blake out of her thoughts. For the majority of the night, though, she was unsuccessful.

  * * *

  On Tuesday Lucinda and Eli arrived, and Sierra spent a busy day working with them as they took measurements and discussed possibilities.

  That night Blake returned from his work out on the ranch and met with them in the informal sitting room, where he served glasses of wine and they talked. She was surprised when Eli and Blake found they had favorite artists in common: David Hockney and Gerhard Richter. They discussed art, architecture and furniture design. Eli left to get a portfolio to show Blake. It surprised her how attentive and engaged Blake was throughout the evening. Blake even asked about Lucinda’s husband and three-year-old daughter.

  During another delicious dinner of salmon, green beans, a salad and hot rolls, Blake smiled at Lucinda as he passed a crystal bowl of strawberry jam. “Next time you come—and Sierra said you and Eli will be back later in the project—we’ll have barbecue. I’m taking Sierra Thursday night to eat at a place that has some of the best.”

  “I’ve been to Texas before and I love barbecue,” Eli said. “I’ll be counting on that.”

  Blake was charming with his new guests. This polite, friendly evening was so different from her first evening with him. Again, she wondered at the response they stirred in each other, something she had never experienced with anyone else.

  With Lucinda and Eli present, there was more talk after dinner about various artists and buildings that Blake liked, and they all looked again at the new wing.

  When they said good-night and thanked Blake, Sierra went to her room, turning in early and going over notes she had made during the day.

  On Wednesday, Lucinda and Eli flew back to New York. Sierra returned to poring over catalogues.

  Blake continued to charm her, talking about suggestions Eli had made that he liked. After dinner they returned to the new wing while she went over some of the suggested changes. Throughout it all they managed to remain professional.

  On Thursday she couldn’t keep her mind on her work. She had agreed to go to dinner with Blake tonight. Tomorrow she would fly home for a family picnic that had become a spring tradition, growing in size each year. But tonight…

  Sierra stopped work at four to get ready for the evening out. The minute she had accepted Blake’s invitation to eat barbecue, she’d complicated her life more. She should’ve turned him down, but the words wouldn’t come. She wanted to go out with him.

  In spite of all her warnings to herself, she spent more than an hour getting ready to go, finally settling on jeans, boots and a red cotton shirt. As she dressed, she felt eager to spend the evening with Blake, knowing she would have a good time and a fabulous dinner.

  And later—her thoughts stopped there. She wouldn’t think about his kisses, or how she should resist them. After brushing her hair vigorously, she let it fall free. She picked up a white Resistol, and with one final look in the mirror, she left to find Blake.

  When she entered the library, her breath caught. Looking more handsome and sexier than ever, Blake stood across the room. He wore a brown Western shirt that complemented his good looks. His tight jeans fit slender hips and long legs, and the cowboy boots added to his height. The instant her gaze met his, she was hopelessly lost, dazzled by the prospect of a fun evening out with him.

  “Wow, lady, you look great,” he said, enthusiasm filling his husky voice as his gaze swept over her again. “Every guy in the county will want to meet you.”

  “You wanted me to meet the locals.”

  “Yeah, so I did,” he said, still studying her and sounding as if he was thinking more about something other than his answer. “Ready? Let’s go get one of the best barbecue dinners you’ll ever eat.”

  As the sun cast longer shadows, Blake drove to Marvina, a small town that looked only half a dozen blocks long. In the center of what had to be the main street was a restaurant with a red neon sign declaring the place to be Barney Jack’s Bar-B-Q.

  Inside they were seated in a booth in a dark corner. There was a dance floor, but no musicians yet, and no dancers as people talked and ate, and busy wait staff scurried back and forth with trays heaped with baskets of shoestring fries, wrapped sandwiches and bottles of beer or f
rosty mugs of iced tea.

  “If this barbecue is as good as it smells, then it will live up to all you said.”

  “It’s the best ever.”

  “You lived in town, so when did you get this love of ranching and the cowboy life?”

  “My maternal grandfather was a rancher. I inherited his spread. I spent a good part of my childhood there and I loved it. I loved him,” Blake said. In the dim light she couldn’t see any difference in his expression, but his tone of voice changed, and she suspected his grandfather had been important to him.

  “So, you did have family who loved you in addition to your mom.”

  “Yep, my mother’s parents meant a lot to me. I never met my paternal grandparents, and both died when I was in high school.” As Blake talked, she watched two men step up on the stage. As they spread out to start playing a fiddle and bass, couples moved to the dance floor and in seconds dancers circled the floor in a brisk two-step.

  A waiter appeared to take their order, and as soon as he left Blake slid out of the booth and held out his hand. “Let’s dance,” he said.

  She started to protest, listening to the music and watching the few dancers. But she took his hand and stood up. In seconds they were on the dance floor, keeping time with the music. For a few minutes, it was fun to stop thinking about problems and differences and tomorrows—to just enjoy the moment dancing with a tall, sexy rancher who set her heart fluttering and would kiss her later.

  For tonight, she intended to enjoy life, enjoy the Texas barbecue and enjoy Blake.

  After one more dance, he said, “We should have our dinner.”

  “I can’t wait,” she answered, smiling at him, aware of her hand still enclosed in his. He took her arm as they walked back to their table where their meals waited.

  The inviting smell made her mouth water in anticipation. Taking the first bite, she closed her eyes. She opened them to find him watching her. “Blake, that is the best barbecue. I didn’t think any could be as good as in Kansas City, but that’s right there with it. It’s fantastic.”

  “So now you have a brand new experience—the night I introduced you to Texas barbecue.”

  She laughed. “Thank goodness you did.”

  “Hey, bro,” came a deep voice as a tall, dark-haired man slid into their booth beside Blake.

  They shook hands while the newcomer looked at her and smiled with a flash of straight white teeth.

  “Sierra, meet my half brother Cade. Cade, this is Sierra Benson, the fabulous interior designer.”

  She laughed as she shook hands with Cade Callahan. “I don’t know about fabulous, and that isn’t my career now. I’m with a nonprofit, Brigmore Charities.”

  “Very good, Sierra. Maybe you can reform this guy.”

  She laughed with him, thinking there was a strong physical resemblance in their black hair, straight noses and prominent cheekbones. Cade’s broad-brimmed black hat was pushed to the back of his head. He wore black boots and a black shirt, the top buttons undone. His wavy hair was a tangle, falling onto his wide forehead, and he had a streak of mischief in his blue eyes that made her feel he might be more fun loving and less serious than Blake.

  “Have a beer with us,” Blake urged.

  “Will do,” Cade said, smiling at Sierra. “I hear you’re the best interior designer in the USA.”

  She laughed, and he grinned along with Blake, who shrugged. “Yes, she is. She’s modest, so I’ll answer for her. Wait until you see the new wing on my house and you’ll agree with me. We can make a bet on it now,” Blake said. “Best interior designer out there.”

  “Will both of you stop,” she said, smiling at them as they grinned. “I’ll tell you what’s best—it’s this barbecue and these curly fries.”

  “We’ll all agree on that one,” Blake said. “Where’s our baby brother?”

  “He’s around here someplace. He’ll join us. Ah, here he is,” Cade said, and stood to face another tall, dark-haired Callahan who also had blue eyes.

  “Sierra, meet our baby brother, Gabe Callahan. Gabe, meet the famous interior designer, Sierra Benson.”

  “I’m glad to meet you, Gabe Callahan,” she said, smiling at him as he shook her hand. She noticed that she didn’t have that same volatile reaction to any other Callahan that she’d had with Blake, which was a relief.

  They sat and talked, including her in their conversation until Cade stood. “It’s dance time. Sierra, would you care to dance?”

  She nodded, and she and Cade slid out of the booth.

  On the dance floor, she turned and they began circling, doing the two-step.

  She danced the next time with Gabe, and then Blake was her partner again.

  He danced her around the floor and gazed into her eyes. She was caught and held, her heartbeat accelerating, desire fanning to life. She wanted to be in his arms. She wanted his kisses, even when she shouldn’t. This was her last night with him for a while. She’d be going home and then to New York; he’d be leaving the ranch for Dallas. This was the last time for kisses.

  It was after midnight when they climbed back into his truck. She turned slightly to watch him drive. “I had fun tonight, Blake. I haven’t been out like that in a long time. And dinner was fabulous.”

  “I thought you’d like that barbecue. It was fun. It’s unusual that both my brothers were there. I think they wanted to meet you. They didn’t want to miss the opportunity to meet one of the world’s best interior designers. Particularly the opportunity to dance with you after they found out you are definitely the world’s best-looking interior designer.”

  She laughed. “That is all ridiculous, but I was glad to meet them. I’m amazed how much alike all of you look, having different mothers. It’s great you’re so compatible.”

  “We weren’t always. Before Cade and I became friends we used to fight. Then we both realized how ridiculous that was, because we really didn’t have any reason to dislike each other. Cade doesn’t have any more control over how our father treats him than I do. He’s just fortunate to be in better favor than I ever was.”

  “I’m amazed they’re understanding about your competition with your father in the hotel business. I looked up some information on the web about your hotels and about his. You have more of them, plus they’re bigger, fancier and definitely more luxurious.”

  “I intend to run him out of the hotel business,” Blake said in a quiet voice that carried a cold tone. “I told you, Cade, Gabe and Nathan understand, and they don’t object. It won’t really hurt our father, but it’ll annoy the hell out of him because he’s competitive. He doesn’t like me and never has.”

  “You said he abandoned you when you were a baby. How could he not like you when you were so young? That doesn’t make sense.”

  “It was my mother he didn’t like, and I was part of her,” Blake answered flatly.

  She stared at him in the darkened pickup and thought again about how different their lives were. She couldn’t understand his drive to get even for something during his childhood, something that seemed behind him now. All his efforts were such a waste of energy and talent. She couldn’t keep from thinking about all the people he could help if he put that energy and those resources to good use. With the money he used for hotels to compete with his father’s, he could instead build shelters, start reading programs and hire tutors—so many easy, constructive ways to help less fortunate people.

  Blake couldn’t understand her way of life, and she couldn’t understand his.

  He parked at the rear of his house and stepped out of the pickup to come around and open her door. His hands closed on her waist, and he swung her out of the truck. For an instant he held her up easily as she looked down into his eyes, and the moment changed. Desire ignited, hot and intense, as Blake lowered her, pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her.

  They walked into the wide entryway together, moving into a sitting room. Light spilled into the darkened room from the hallway, and through the floor-to
-ceiling glass they could see the lighted swimming pool. But all she was aware of was Blake, who drew her closer.

  Her heart thudded. Her hands were light on his shoulders as she gazed up at him. She was held by a look that made her pulse race. Locked into another electric moment with him, she wanted his kiss.

  “This is crazy, Blake.”

  “It’s been a fun night, and it doesn’t have to end yet. There’s more I want, and so do you,” he said softly, his arm circling her waist and pulling her close against him. She slipped her arms around his neck even as she knew she should be pulling away.

  All evening Blake had been sexy, fun and appealing. Desire had tugged on her senses for days. Each night their kisses made it impossible to avoid thinking about sleeping with him.

  His appeal was physical. They didn’t have an emotional connection. With his drive for revenge, he was a man so much the opposite of all she believed in, she couldn’t imagine an emotional connection forming between them.

  She could have this one night and not lose her heart.


  Sierra stopped reasoning with herself as she gazed up at him. Desire was blatant in his dark brown eyes, making her pulse jump. Standing in his arms, she trembled with longing. His arm tightened around her and he leaned closer, his lips brushed lightly, and then his mouth settled, his tongue going deep.

  With the first brush of his mouth, her heart thudded. Slipping her arm around his neck, she closed her eyes as she returned his kiss. Passion blazed, making her lean closer. She relished his hard body and his solid muscles against her softness. Why was she so responsive to him and him alone? How could he make her melt with only a glance? Or a brush of his fingers on hers?

  Wanting him, too aware they’d be parting soon, she tightened her arms around his neck, letting go of restraints and reason. She pressed against him, wanting to seize the moment. They had an electrifying chemistry that made every glance, every moment together breathtaking and exciting.

  He was aroused, ready to make love. With one arm he held her close while his hand roamed down her back, over her bottom and along her thigh. She gasped with pleasure as she ran her hands along his back, tugging his shirt out of his jeans to slip her hands over his bare skin.