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The Texan's Baby Proposal Page 9

  She changed to jeans and an aqua sweater, and braided her hair, letting it hang down her back.

  She left to find Marc so they could go look at the ranch. When she couldn’t find him, she sat in the great room that ran across most of the back of the house.

  She heard his boot heels on the wood floor and knew he was coming. Then he swept into the room, and once again, she realized she would be challenged far more than she had expected to keep from falling in love with her new husband in this marriage of convenience.

  In boots and a Western shirt, Marc looked even more sexy and appealing than in his wedding suit. His big smile just added to his attraction.

  “Ready? We’ll drive over some of the ranch. Don’t worry, I won’t begin to show you all of it and you wouldn’t want me to.”

  She walked out beside him, listening to him talk about the ranch and what his grandfather did to change and update it, but she was far more aware of Marc as he drove the pickup and talked. After an hour of looking at herds of cattle, a corral with horses, a field of bales of hay, windmills and water troughs, she was ready to go back to the house.

  “I can find my way in here,” she said as they walked in the back door, “but I can’t find anything out there on the ranch. I would be lost.”

  “I’ve grown up looking at landmarks. I feel like I know the land as well as I know the house. Always keep your phone with you. If you get lost, call me and I’ll come get you. Now let’s stir up some grub.”

  She laughed. “I don’t think you’ll even have to stir. We’re stocked until next year.”

  In a short time he cooked burgers. They sat on the patio in the cool and ate and listened to the waterfall and the tumbling water of the fountain.

  Finally she stood, picking up her dishes to carry them inside. “It’s been an interesting, memorable day. I’m turning in. I should study.”

  He stood. “I’ll go, too. I’m going to Dallas one day this week. You can go along if you want.”

  “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass this time. I have plenty of studying to do.”

  “Chasing your dream, huh? I picked the right woman for this marriage,” he said.

  They walked down the hall together, and at her door she stepped away. “Goodnight, Marc. Thank you for the marriage and for my beautiful ring and for my gorgeous necklace. You did way more than we agreed on.”

  “I did what I wanted to do. You helped me make my grandparents happy. That’s important. You made this deal possible and I didn’t know one other woman I could ask. I was really in a bind.”

  She smiled. “Glad to oblige, though I really think you could have found a few takers.”

  “And worried every day how I would get rid of them later,” he said, shaking his head. “You’ll be gone in a flash, off to do your own thing.”

  “Yes, I will. I’m thrilled that you’re enabling me to do that.” She slipped into her room. “See you in the morning.” She closed the door before he reached out to kiss her. He hadn’t stopped her and he might not have reached for her if she had stood there longer, but this way was better. She needed to get on track for her own goals.

  She sat down on her bed to study, amazed by her new life and the prospects she had for her future and her baby’s future. If she had a boy, she wondered if Marc would like for her to name him Marc. He had been so good to her and that was a good, strong name. There wouldn’t be a mix-up later because she and her son would be on their own. Lara Medina. That amazed her. And now her baby would have the Medina name, too.

  Later, when she lay in the dark, she thought about her baby and Marc and his name. He would let people think this was his baby. That was the most generous of all the nice things he had done for her. He would claim her baby as his. It would give her baby a father—at least while they were together. It would give her baby legitimacy. Somehow, she was reluctant to reveal the true birth father because he didn’t even want his child to live. Marc, on the other hand, had made her child’s future bright, with enough money to cover his or her education.

  Yes, Marc Medina was a good man. And sexy. And downright dangerous...

  That was her last thought before she drifted to sleep.

  * * *

  Marc was seated in the kitchen when she entered the room the next morning. He came to his feet instantly. “You’re up early.”

  “I thought you might be gone,” she said, her heart missing a beat as she looked at him. He wore jeans, a navy long-sleeved Western shirt and black boots. He looked incredibly handsome.

  “Good morning,” he said, his gaze sweeping over her as he walked to her, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. For one startled moment, she grabbed his shoulders because she felt as if she would fall, but he held her firmly. Then her arms went around him and she kissed him back and forgot to wonder why he kissed her. She was too consumed by the kiss that made her heart race.

  When he finally let her go, he smiled down at her. “I thought we should at least kiss this morning. After all, we’re newlyweds.”

  She placed her hand on her hip and looked at him. “I thought we weren’t going to have that kind of relationship,” she said, her heart still racing. She tingled and was aware of his gaze drifting over her. How was she going to avoid seduction if this was the way he started each day?

  Instead of answering her, Marc swept his gaze from her sneakers and jeans up to her sweater. “I have to say, you look damn good in those jeans. You should have worn them to the office.”

  “Marc, you’re not paying attention to anything I just said.”

  His eyes finally met hers. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I’m serious. I don’t want end up in bed. We discussed this and we both agreed to keep it like we had at the office.”

  “Okay. I can go back to our office hands-off relationship. I was just having some fun. I really didn’t mean anything by it and didn’t think it would have any kind of lasting effect.”

  “One kiss now and then might not, but it’s still better to keep distance between us and that’s what we agreed on. I can’t have too big a say in this, I know, because you’re the one who made me such a wonderful deal—”

  “Stop right there. If you don’t want me to kiss you—even just in fun—you got a deal. We worked together for a year without any kind of physical contact and it was mutually beneficial. We’ll go right back to that. I can live with that.”

  “Thanks. I may hate myself in an hour, but I think that’s the smart thing to do.”

  “You let me know if you change your mind. Or if I get carried away and start to kiss you, just remind me again.”

  She smiled. “Thanks. I’m trying to see to it that I’ll happily say goodbye to you at the year’s end.”

  He walked away to pour a cup of coffee and she wondered if she was going to be filled with regret and longing the rest of the day. The solace was knowing that she had done the smart thing and stopped his casual kisses.

  He ate breakfast with her, and then he was gone and the house seemed silent. She realized when he was around it wasn’t very quiet, which surprised her because his office had usually been a quiet place. Maybe it was partly the sound of the cowboy boots on the hardwood and terrazzo floors. She had the house to herself until he returned, which would probably be sundown. She suspected he was trying to keep his distance as much as she had tried last night.

  She spent the day unpacking and got into the first of her courses. Soon she was immersed in studying, a relief, in that it took her mind off Marc most of the time.

  She ate early and left him a note that she was studying. She escaped to her suite and closed the door, knowing she was running from spending the evening with him, but that was the sensible thing to do. He’d promised to maintain a professional demeanor around her, but she wasn’t one to tempt fate.

They managed to avoid each other for the next two days. He was up and gone before she was out of bed, and at night she ate an early dinner alone and then went to her suite. He had been right in saying there was enough food cooked and ready that they wouldn’t have to prepare anything. Without any household demands on her time, she got her course work done quickly and efficiently, which pleased her. She missed seeing Marc because he was fun, but it was better to simply back off and avoid him.

  Friday night she was in the kitchen to get dinner when she heard a car. She looked out the window and saw Marc’s pickup stop at the gate.

  Instantly, she was aware of herself in cutoffs and a blue T-shirt with her hair falling around her face. She shook it back and tried to smooth it down with her hand while her heartbeat raced as she watched Marc get out of his pickup and head for the back door in long, fast strides. She wondered if something had happened.

  He opened the door. “Hi, darlin’, your husband is home.” She had to laugh as he swept into the room with a huge grin on his face. “Get your—” He stopped as his gaze swept her from head to toe, making her tingle.

  “My, oh, my, you kept your talents hidden at the office,” he said.

  She laughed as he looked at her legs. “I don’t believe this is appropriate office attire.”

  “This is one boss it would have pleased,” he said.

  “I think when you came through the door you were saying for me to get something. Right?”

  He finally lifted his gaze and blinked. “Hey, as much as I hate to tell you to cover up a pair of million-dollar legs, get your party jeans. We’re going two-stepping. Gabe and Meg are coming, and some guys from the ranch, and we’re going to party. I told them we’d meet them in two hours at a honky-tonk in Downly. It’s a long drive for us, so that’s why the two hours. As soon as you’re ready, we’ll go.”

  “Give me a few minutes.” Luckily, she’d showered earlier, so all she had to do was change and fix her hair.

  “See you here when you’re ready. The guys from the ranch are already on their way and they’re party animals. Most of them are young and single, but they’ll leave the boss’s wife alone. And they’re a great bunch of guys.”

  She barely heard him as she ran to change. Twenty minutes later she dashed from her room to find him waiting in the hall. Her heart missed a beat as her gaze ran over him. He wore tight jeans, a black Western shirt, his black Stetson and black boots. Excitement slithered down her spine and she smiled as he straightened up and his gaze ran appreciatively over her.

  “You do look great,” he said and she smiled.

  “Thank you,” she said, glancing down at her new boots, jeans and her red Western shirt. Her hair was loose, hanging on both sides of her face and combed straight, although she knew a slight natural curl would make it wavy before the night was over.

  “I’m ready.”

  “Let’s go party,” he said, taking her arm and hurrying out to his waiting pickup. In minutes they were on the highway. Darkness had set in and she wondered about the evening.

  “There’s not a person in the world who will know you’re pregnant,” he said. “You don’t show at all. Are you sure you’re expecting?”

  She smiled at him. “You can stop asking. I’m sure. I’m pregnant, but I don’t feel any different yet and I don’t think I look different, either.”

  “I can’t believe the doctor has it right. You really don’t look it.”

  “Time will tell,” she said, amused that he doubted her.

  “You’ll have a good time tonight. This is a fun bunch. I’ve known Gabe and Meg for years, and the guys I work with know how to cut loose and party.”

  “I can be your designated driver.”

  “I did better than that. I got us booked into a hotel for the night. Everybody will be staying.” He glanced at her as she stared at him and he grinned. “Don’t panic. You’ll have your very own private room.”

  She shook her head. “You surprised me there. Thank you. That was a wise decision to get me my own room.”

  “I’m really good company.”

  She laughed. “I have to agree on that one.”

  “I might be better company in the bedroom than anywhere else, for all you know.”

  “We’re not going to find out tonight,” she said, laughing at him. “I think you’re ready for a party. Are you sure you haven’t already had a sip?”

  “Me? No. I’ve been working. I’m just ready for tonight. And I’m tired of cowboys, cattle, bales of hay and my own company. I want to hear someone with a voice higher than mine and dance with my new bride.”

  “Well, I can accommodate that,” she said, enjoying his company after making sure she hadn’t seen him for the past week.

  “What do you want to drink tonight? I might as well find out now while we can discuss it.”

  “Think there’s any chance of lemonade? If not, I’ll take water. If not water, then maybe apple juice.”

  “I’m sure I’ll find something you’ll like and can drink,” he said.

  By the time they parked in the dusty lot in front of Buster’s Beer and Bar-B-Q, the place was packed. Red neon flickered over the parking lot and music floated from the building. Marc took her hand and they entered a big open room with a large dance floor and a stage. Low lights illuminated the inside. Some people played pool near the front. On the dance floor, couples doing the two-step circled the room. Marc waved at someone as he made his way through the crowd. He kept his arm around her waist and held her close against his side. It was easy to put her other arm around his waist, and she thought that would make them look like a happily married couple to anyone who saw them.

  She met the men he worked with, greeted Meg and Gabe, and then Marc took her hand to go to the dance floor.

  It was fun to get out there with him, to dance and move around the floor in time to the music. Marc turned her so she danced backward and when he smiled at her, her heart skipped a beat. It was exciting being with him, even just dancing in a big circle and not talking to each other at all.

  He was the best-looking guy in the place. She realized he was even more handsome and appealing to her now than he had been in the office. Then again, she knew him better now. She’d been with him when he was teasing her, having fun, just being friendly and kissing her soundly. Her views of him were changing—had already changed from the days she was his secretary. He meant more to her now. And tonight would move them even closer together, make them closer friends, make him more appealing and make her want his kisses. It would be a night of fun and excitement, as well as temptation and worries.

  She felt the warnings and was aware she hadn’t even spent a full week on the ranch with him yet, but she didn’t heed them. Not tonight. Tonight she was just going to have a good time.

  As they danced in a big circle, she faced him and he smiled at her. His hat was squarely on his head and he looked like the other cowboys in the room.

  She was having a wonderful time and wondered how she would fare by the time they finally parted at her suite door. She suspected some kisses at the end of the evening were inevitable. She just needed to remember to stop with kisses.

  His appeal heightened as they danced. He was filled with energy and his enthusiasm was contagious. There was no way to resist his appeal tonight. Marc made her feel as if he cared about her and as if this was the best fun ever. At the moment, it was, and she laughed as she danced with him. Once he pulled her close as he spun her around.

  “If you think this is fun, just wait until later,” he whispered, causing tingles to tickle her insides. He had always looked handsome and confident in his business suits at the office. Now, dressed like the rancher he was, he was sexy, hot and irresistible. He was filled with vitality and she wanted to stay in his arms.

  She had to resist him later, but not now. Now s
he could dance and laugh with him and work off some of the blazing desire that consumed her.

  Enjoy dancing with him, she told herself as he spun her around again. Just don’t go to bed with him.

  In one year he would end the marriage as promised and she didn’t want a broken heart when he did. She wanted to be able to walk away as easily as he would. To do that, she needed to stay out of his bed.

  She had no idea what time it was when Gabe and Meg told everyone good-night and left. “Should we be going?” she asked Marc.

  “Do you want to?”

  “Not if you don’t. Dancing is fun and I haven’t done any in a long time,” she answered.

  “Gabe and Meg are newlyweds. They want to be off to themselves. These guys we’re with will party all night.”

  “I’m not for all night. Just another hour.”

  “Sounds good to me,” he said. “Let’s dance.” He took her hand and moved to the dance floor to waltz around the room with her. Their feet flew and she loved dancing. As she enjoyed herself, she realized they danced together as if they had been doing so for years. He was easy to follow and she loved moving to the music, waltzing around the big ballroom and having a wonderful time in Marc’s arms.

  Finally, over an hour later, he took her hand and leaned close. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes, I am,” she said, standing when he did. They said goodbyes and waved, and finally left, stepping into the cool night air. The cars had thinned in the parking lot, but there was still a crowd. Marc walked with his arm around her waist and she had hers around him.

  “That was so much fun,” she said, still thinking about dancing. “We do well together.”

  “We’re perfect together,” he stated, stopping beside his pickup. “We have about four blocks to the hotel. We can walk and come back for my pickup tomorrow, if you want.”